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Prime Members: Amazon RxPass Program: Get All Your Eligible Generic Medications $5/Month (Not Available in CA, MN, NH, TX or WA) 0

추천47 비추천0
섭지노 (14.♡.194.130)
48시간이 경과된 핫딜입니다. 품절 또는 가격이 변경되었을 수 있습니다.


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List of meds on the $5 all inclusive per month program https://pharmacy.amazon.com/rxpas...xpass-meds FAQ's https://pharmacy.amazon.com/rxpas...prime-info SIGN UP PAGE https://pharmacy.amazon.com/?ref_...EVR_24W17/ RxPass does restrict eligibility based on insurance and the state where medications will be shipped. People with government-funded insurance such as Medicare or Medicaid are not eligible sign up for RxPass right now. Additionally, RxPass is not currently available to send medications to California, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Texas, and Washington. Amazon Pharmacy is still available in all of those states
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