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[Amazon] Amazon) Vitamix 주방 음식물 쓰레기 처리기 50% 세일 $199.95 0

추천7 비추천0
피자러버 (14.♡.194.130)
48시간이 경과된 핫딜입니다. 품절 또는 가격이 변경되었을 수 있습니다.


( 한화 261,594 )
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1개월 3개월 6개월 12개월 전체
Limited-time deal: Vitamix FC-50-SP Food Cycler FoodCycler FC-50, 2 L, Slate https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BQYXVNT?social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_N9VNYSSYZEE7TD1J35QE&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=2 말려진 음식물 쓰레기는 모아서 땅에 묻으면 훌륭한 비료가 됩니다. 참고로 전기세 관련 찾아보니 이렇게 써있어요. The product information shows that one complete cycle of the FoodCycler uses around 0.64 kWh of electricity. A customer measured this using a Kill-A-Watt device. With electricity costing $0.12 per kWh on average in the US, one cycle costs under $0.08. Another customer with solar panels said they did not notice a significant difference in their electric bill from running the FoodCycler every other day. For specific advice on how this product may impact your electricity costs, I would suggest consulting your electricity provider or an energy efficiency expert. Let me know if you need any other details about the product specifications or customer opinions that could help you make a decision.
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