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[Walmart] Shark Wheel Clear Longboard w/ Lights $52.17 + Free Shipping 0

추천26 비추천0
jin030 (203.♡.100.46)
48시간이 경과된 핫딜입니다. 품절 또는 가격이 변경되었을 수 있습니다.


( 한화 68,227 )
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1개월 3개월 6개월 12개월 전체
Walmart has Shark Wheel Clear Longboard w/ Lights (Fingerprint) on sale for $52.17. Shipping is free. Walmart has Shark Wheel Clear Longboard w/ Lights (Butterfly) on sale for $52.17. Shipping is free. Thanks to Deal Hunter tDames for sharing this deal. About this product:Shark Wheels are the reinvention of the wheel as seen on Shark Tank and the Discovery ChannelThese seemingly square wheels are actually smoother than a traditional wheel and have been scientifically proven to outperform the industry-leading wheel in almost every categoryThe oscillating light feature illuminates the board with several alternating colors and turns riding at night into a playground of opportunity.Shark Wheel 72mm DNA formula longboard wheels, Shiver RKP trucks, and Shiver Abec BearingsThe graphic on the board acts as grip tape and allows for a controlled riding experience100% clear see-through high-impact acrylic, similar visually to glass (from all angles of the board)The built-in patented lighting system illuminates the inside of the board, and the graphics pop
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