[Home] Wave Plus - Limited Edition Black - $139 (Today only)
24/06/10 07:24:01
24/06/10 07:24:01
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Airthings Wave Plus - Limited Edition Black 40% off at $139 TODAY ONLY
1.5 year battery lifetime
Bluetooth enabled
Lightning-fast setup
You can't see or smell it, but long-term exposure to this radioactive gas is the top cause of lung cancer in non-smokers.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
When it reaches high levels indoors, carbon dioxide (CO2) can cause poor sleep and trouble concentrating.
Temperature is not just a matter of comfort, it can negatively affect sleep quality, mood, and alertness.
Airborne chemicals (VOCs)
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are airborne chemicals emitted by everyday items - many are harmless but some are toxic.
Air pressure
Changes in air pressure affect radon levels and, for some, they can trigger headaches, joint stiffness and pain.
High humidity promotes mold growth and aggravates asthma symptoms, while too-dry air can lead to skin and throat irritation.